Real people, real life testimonies and how they came out of it.
Here's what some of our guests are saying about SOL
Eric and Nancy (SOL) really know how to create a fun, safe, non-religious, spiritual environment. We had a great time! So good to be with them again!
I like to say thank you for inviting me to the Marriage Celebration. I didnt tell you this at the time but when you invited my husband and I to this celebration, I didnt have the heart to tell you what was going on with us. However, this is a prime example of how God has things planned when we dont even realize it. At the time that we spoke, my husband and I were not on speaking terms. He and I had recently got into another argument (of many) which had been happening alot in the past year. He was extremely upset and was saying that once he got his next paycheck, he was going to file for a divorce. So you see, when you invited us to this celebration, I really didnt think that he would want to go. God would have it that my husband didnt really listen to what I told him it was and thought it was a Breast Cancer Event, so he agreed to go. Fast forward to now, he and I both learned alot from the couples that spoke. We realized that our marriage is actually quite "regular" with the presence of disagreements and all. We have since been on better terms. So, without you even knowing it. God was using you to orchestrate and intercede on his behalf for me and my husband. I thank you for that blessing. I appreciate you for the offer as well as what it did for my marriage.
Thank you for your heart and vision for marriages. The evening was very elegant and uplifting. The speakers offered a wealth of knowledge from the viewpoint of people in different stages of their marriage. It was encouraging and such a blessing to learn from their experiences. Many of their stories touched me in a special place. Thanks for recognizing educators. Often we are overlooked and not given the value we deserve. I look forward to next year.
May God continue to bless you all!
We had a wonderful time at last night's Spring of Life Valentine's Day event. The "symphony of one" theme resonated with us as we think about our relationship--two persons coming together and "playing with different instruments," but to a single tune (becoming one). We learned valuable insights from all the speakers, and just wanted to reiterate that the work you do is SO important in this day and age when there is an all-out assault against traditional marriage and family. For us, last year's event was a very special launching pad into our year-long dating relationship, which culminated in H's proposal to me on December 22, 2013! In turn, last night's event was such a special contribution to our preparation for marriage with our life together starting in May.
Thank you for all the work you do, and thank you to your sponsors as well. Your work is very valuable in inspiring, encouraging, and teaching couples like us, helping them build stronger families and, collaboratively, a healthier society!
We love you both...God bless you!
Our deepest thanks to you for such a wonderful event! Not only did my wife and I get a great opportunity for "date night," we dined and celebrated in class with a very nice assortment of others on a relationship journey. What a wonderful idea/concept AND opportunity this was to hear wonderful speakers with good content about marriage. It was a great opportunity to help solidify our marriage and continue the journey with like-minded people in the midst. We hope to engage in this experience with you again.
Thank you for the wonderful Valentine event last weekend. We had a wonderful time as a couple. Likewise, as marriage enrichment leaders, we are impressed by the SOL leadership and volunteers as they made such a delightful and growing time for so many couples. The encouragement to bring the Lord into their relationships coupled with useable skills for turning toward each other is invaluable.
Blessings, dear friends.
Thank you for taking the time to share your heart and contribute to the oneness of our marriage. It was great to get out and enjoy food, dancing, and laughter with a room full of God fearing, married couples. We look forward to doing it again!
Thank you so much for the wonderful 'celebration of marriage' event. We were very much blessed by it. May God bless your ministry 'SOL' by reaching more couples around the city of Atlanta. May God Bless You, Nancy and Eric!
We had a wonderful time at your gathering last Saturday. Great and instructional. Thank you for the invitation.
Again, thank you for such a wonderful evening that was so life-giving to our marriage. We hope to be able to come again next year!
I wanted to thank you for such a wonderful event that you put on this year. It was top notch of the way, very elegant, very informative, and very entertaining. We need more quality outing events such as this!
Thanks again.
Thank you all for the wonderful evening. The food was good and the speakers were awesome! We have had the privilege of attending several of your events. We always come away with pearls of wisdom to enhance our relationship. Thank you for your obedience to the Holy Spirit and your mission to save marriages.
May God continue to Bless and keep you.
Thank you so much for the event that God placed in your heart for couples and marriages. We enjoyed ourselves and were inspired from the beginning. The way everything was setup starting first with the ladies that greeted us and gave us our assigned table, it made us felt like royalty. Being married for only 6 months and working in the medical field and ministry, we don't have time to take out for an intimate dinner. I got to enjoy this with my husband, other couples of the same like faith with putting God first and helping others. My heart was FILLED with great JOY. May God continue to bless you 100 times for that which you do for God and the ministry of Jesus Christ... I pray that He continues to bless you spiritually, financially, emotionally, physically and your family.
Thank you both for a wonderful evening! Informative, fun and romantic!
Eric and Nancy: Last night was an exceptional event for couples with good food, inspiring speakers, enjoyable music, and wonderful company. Thank you so much for all you do in support of couples and families. I am so happy we were a part of the event. We had a great time!
This event was awesome. Me and ex-husband who I will be remarrying in September 2014 had an awesome time. This event exceeded our expectations. It was well planned, the speakers were great and the food was excellent. Please don’t change a thing. The price did not compensate all of the great things that came along with it. This event was magical and fully endorsed by God. KUDOS to both you and your wife for such a blessed event. I look forward to next year.
I want to take a moment to thank God who is using you both to empower many couple's marriages. My husband and I have been truly blessed, encouraged, equipped and empowered each time we attend your event. We truly believe that God has called you to show the world his true intention regarding marriage. We want you to know that your ministry is very important and much needed in our time since the enemy has and is continuing to rise his force against marriages more than ever, especially in the church. We need a ministry as such to continue to remind the church the value and the importance of marriage. That's why we keep coming over and over again. And each time we come, we invite friends who then turn out to be frequent attendees of Springs Life Ministry. We pray that God will continue to inspire you and make all provision necessary to continue to grow this ministry. We can't wait for the next event since we believe once again; we will receive words for our marriage.
We thank you for the time and money that you invest in this ministry which continue to bless past, present and future marriages
May God bless you and his ministry!
We really enjoyed ourselves at the couples’ event. The speakers were on point, the food was great, and the venue was a delight. Good to see u and Nancy along with so many others we don't see often. Keep up the awesome work you two are doing.
I just wanted to let you know how much my wife and I enjoyed the event last weekend. We were both very encouraged in our marriage as we were reminded that marriage is challenging, yet God designed it to be something very special. The speakers and the music were great, and the food was delicious! Not to mention, the price of the evening was very affordable. My wife and I are both teachers, and we seldom take the chance for such a nice outing where we dress up and treat ourselves to a wonderful meal. You all certainly provided that for us last weekend!
Again, thank you for such a wonderful evening that was so life-giving to our marriage. We hope to be able to come again next year!
I wanted to thank you for such a wonderful event that you put on this year. It was top notch of the way, very elegant, very informative, and very entertaining. We need more quality outing events such as this!
Thanks again.
Thank you all for the wonderful evening. The food was good and the speakers were awesome! We have had the privilege of attending several of your events. We always come away with pearls of wisdom to enhance our relationship. Thank you for your obedience to the Holy Spirit and your mission to save marriages.
May God continue to Bless and keep you.
Hello, just wanted to let you know that my husbandand I truly enjoyed ourselves at the Valentine's Event on 1.26.13. We arenewlyweds for over 8 months now and witnessing the testimonies from thatevening were inspiring, encouraging and life changing. We were honored to bethere and couldn't believe that it was a free event! It was priceless! ThankGod for this ministry and how He his using it to impact lives for Christ! God blessyou and thank you!
My husband and I attended the Marriage Celebration eventon Saturday. I just want to thank you all for such a wonderful time. Everythingabout the event was awesome. We enjoyed listening to the testimonies of all thecouples. Boy, I had tears as I was listening to them for many reasons.
Thank you so much for a special evening.
My wife and I felt inspired and I believe italready helped our marriage. Your time is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for the opportunity toworship with other couples. The night surly was a blessing to us.
Pastor Eric we invited14 couples and 13 of them showed up, we even had a few couples come fromNorth& South Carolina and they had a blessed time also. We all want tothank you for the unique experience that your Ministry provided for everyone toshare. The entire event was a blessing to us all. My wife and I would like toextend our heartfelt thanks to you for hosting such a God driven event. Everythingwas truly wonderful the greeting, pictures, seating arraignments,decorations, music, food, and the servers were really excellent also.again we thank you for accepting our request to attend such a glorious eventlistening to the couples testimonies of marriage was very inspiring .Welook forward meeting you personally some day, May our Lord and Savior continueto bless you. With deepest gratitude
It was such a pleasure to meet youand be a part of this great event! It was a wonderful gift and we all trulyenjoyed it. Our favorite part was all the wonderful testimonies, my mom and Icried upon hearing a couple of them and we all took away a lot from theexperience. It is so great that this ministry exists because Paul and Ifind that when we participate in these types of events we add little jewels toour relationship and this rejuvenates us. I fascinated by the enthusiasm andlove from Mrs. Matondo!!
Thanks for the wonderful event. Weenjoyed hearing couples speak of their experiences from their marriage. I wasso happy my husband decided to come with me, it took a lot of convincing him tocome and he came. However, we are still residing in different residence at thistime and it is still difficult for me and our three sons. Your event gave us achance to be together romantically and I am grateful for that. Thanks so muchagain. I pray for other couples that may be going through a separation as wellso that they may reconcile their marriage.
Thank you for allowing us toparticipate in such a beautiful and blessed ministry. You two are doingsomething special that is truly blessed by God. We look forward toworking alongside of you to help spread God's word.
Thankyou both for this wonderful ministry, and a beautiful evening. We left therefeeling refreshed and romantic! Thanksfor the photograph also!!!
Mywife and I had a great time at this event. We invited several other couples -and they too had a very good time. Thanks to the sponsors and to the Matondos.
Dear Pastor Eric, I don't know where to begin so letme start by saying THANK YOU. To you and your wonderful staff. It seem likethey were ALL DIPPED in GOD'S ANIONTING... GREETERS/HOSTS, SERVERS/WAITERS,TESTIMONIES,PRAISE SINGERS, EACH & EVERY PERSON that spoke gave US allstrength to honor and hold true to our vows never to give up. AND ONLY GOD CANBLESS YOU AND YOUR STAFF A HUNDRED FOLD FOR THE & LOVE YOU SO RICHLY &FREELY GAVE TO SO MANY OF GODS CHILDREN. "THANK YOU ALL" My husband& I invited 14 couples & 13 were in attendance. Three of whom came fromout of state....and each and everyone felt the LOVE and walked away sayingTHANK YOU for the invite, so I pass those THANK YOU's ON to YOU... AND the FOODwas SIMPLY DELICIOUS. I can GO ON but I'll just say, this was a TRUE BLESSING.
It was a wonderful event. And the testimonials werevery candid and authentic!!!!!!
My husband and I really enjoyed the ministry andfellowship. Thank you and God Bless You all the way from Greenville SC!
This was the first time I've ever experiencedattending a Valentine's Celebration. My fiancé and I had an awesome time. Ithank God for Spring of Life Couples Ministry; the pictures, ballroom dance andcheese cake were all great! Look forward to attending next year. Shout out toVivian for the invite!!
Hey there Eric and Nancy! Hope allis well with you two. WOW! What a tremendous Valentine's Day Dinner you gave toour residents. Believe it or not, they are STILL talking about it being theBEST Valentine's they had ever had! We are so thankful to the Lord foryour hearts of service to our residents. We know that their lives have beentouched and ministered to in a special way. What some are not able tounderstand the power of God's love for them, was displayed in your act of kindnessand your expression of love to them! The residents have been more attentive toeach other as couples even in the midst of uncertainty. The journals they have receivedhave been there devotion and inspiration. Thank you so much again!
We look forward to a continuedpartnership. Again thank you for being a blessing to our organization,residents and staff.
Thankyou very much for the invite. We are very excited to attend. We very much valuethe information we receive from your organization. We have gained much insighton how to better serve our marriage. Thank you, sincerely…
Thank you for a great evening of fellowship,encouragement and spiritual growth.
We really enjoyed knee to knee and the speakers are goodand touched on viable points.
We were very inspired. This ministry is divinelyorder. We will keep you in our prayers. Everything was wonderful.
This was an excellent gathering of like-mindedbelieves in God and his vision for marriage. Thank you!
This ministry is a blessing to our marriage. My prayer is that this ministry will continue to grow and impact the lives of married couples, and be an example of what God intended.
Excellent! It would be nice if you could have thisonce a month!
Eric and Nancy, thanksagain for the opportunity. We definitely enjoyed ourselves. What an enrichingand rewarding experience!!
Thank you so much for the wonderful evening with the SOL couples.We were so blessed by the whole event. You two epitomize servant leadership. Atthe same time, you urged the couples to use their heads as well as theirhearts, and they went for it. We look forward to the next time we areable to meet with you.